Vienna 2018 ICOLD Congress

The next ICOLD Congress (2018) will be held in Vienna (Austria). 

As you already know, a question regarding levees has been introduced in the program, and it is of utmost importance to demonstrate at this occasion to the whole dam community that levees is a natural topic linked to its activities.


We strongly encourage our members to present abstracts in relation to levees and flood defences,  possibly linking to dams. The submission process has to be done through the national committees, so the deadline will probably change according to your country. The date can be quite early, please check with your own national committee. Your deadline may be before the end of this year.

Please let the group know if you submit such levees of flood defences related abstracts, by sending an email to Marcel Bottema and Rémy Tourment, and/or by commenting this post on the website. Try also if possible to associate co-athors from other countries.

We are also considering to submit one or more abstracts on behalf of the Working Group, directly to ICOLD given the international status of our WG. We will keep you updated on this.

Thanks for your interest,

Rémy Tourment


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